NFF’s lending has helped nonprofits across the United States build community wealth and well-being for more than four decades. As a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) loan fund, we are committed to increasing the flow of capital to nonprofits serving low-income individuals and families, including organizations serving people of color.

We focus on each borrower’s unique situation and long-term vision. We tailor individual loans to help organizations with everything from buying and building facilities to bridging delayed government contract payments. And we stay in touch as loans are repaid to address any issues that arise – we’re invested in our clients’ long-term success.

Loan Products and Programs

  • Purchase real estate such as land or a building.
  • Construct, expand, renovate, or upgrade a building.
  • Purchase equipment.
  • Refinance or consolidate existing debt.

Finance predevelopment costs for building or renovating affordable housing and community facility projects.

  • Complete facilities projects while awaiting payment of specific sources of capital, including government and foundation grants, capital campaigns, historic tax credit equity, and others.
  • Cover delays in government contract payments.
  • Manage day-to-day operating cash flow.
  • Scale up programs.
  • Adapt to a new form of payment.

Our NMTC program supports community development projects in low-income neighborhoods, catalyzing investments and job creation in these communities. We offer flexible financing for organizations and projects that increase access to human services, healthcare, education, arts and culture, youth and workforce development, and much more in communities across the US.

Learn more about our NMTC program.

We offer a wide range of loan products to support charter schools, including facility loans with flexible loan-to-value ratios and payment terms.

Learn more about our charter school financing.

We support community-centered nonprofits in acquiring assets that contribute to community prosperity. We offer acquisition and predevelopment financing for affordable housing and community facilities benefiting local residents and the nonprofits that anchor their communities.

Learn about NFF’s work building equitable assets for NJ communities.

Permanent supportive housing is a proven approach to reducing homelessness. In Los Angeles, NFF is speeding development of much-needed homes through the Accelerating Permanent Supportive Housing Fund, which provides unsecured enterprise working capital financing to support developers’ efforts to increase the number of projects in development.

Read about NFF’s commitment to support the needs of permanent supportive housing developers.

The Faith in Our Communities Fund, a partnership between NFF and Trinity Church Wall Street, provides pre-development loans to help faith-based organizations redevelop their real estate for greater community impact. Financing is available for critical maintenance, pre-construction costs, and expert counsel necessary to transform existing facilities into new hubs of community programs, services, and affordable housing.

Learn more about the Faith in Our Communities Fund.

Lending to Meet a Variety of Needs

Our lending spans the country and includes programs targeted to specific sectors and geographies.


Our clients are nonprofits and mission-driven organizations that address education, community improvement, health, homelessness and housing, human services, workforce development, youth development, and more. In general, eligible borrowers:

  • Have been operating for at least three years.
  • Have secured funding streams and other reliable sources of repayment (such as executed grants, contracts, contributions, lease revenue, or other committed financing).
  • Seek loans from $250,000 to $8 million. (NFF regularly partners with other CDFIs and banks to meet larger financial needs.)

NFF’s Lending in Action

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