Nonprofit Sector / Human Services
Small Nonprofits Solving Big Problems
Three-quarters of American nonprofits have annual budgets under $1 million, and most are even smaller. What these organizations lack in size, they make up for in impact. They respond to local needs, are absolutely critical to community building, and are staffed by people who understand and care about their communities. The Capital and Capacity for Economic Recovery (CCER) program in Greater Philadelphia applied a Complete Capital approach to 22 small nonprofits, combining elements of financial capital (the right money), intellectual capital (the right thinking), social capital (the right networks) and human capital* (the right expertise) to improve each organization’s health in the context of the economic issues facing its community.
Other Reports
Nonprofit Sector Report
Uncovering the Full Cost of LA Youth Workforce Development Programs
An analysis of unfunded expenses from the providers' experience Nonprofit Sector Report | Uncovering the Full Cost of LA Youth Workforce Development Programs Nonprofit Sector Report
Resourcing Resilience
Aligning Public and Philanthropic Funding for California Communities Nonprofit Sector Report | Resourcing Resilience Nonprofit Sector / Education Report