New Loan Closing: St. John's Episcopal Hospital
Creating space for access to medical care
St. John's Episcopal Hospital offers emergency and ambulatory care to the densely populated, culturally and economically diverse, and medically underserved population of Far Rockaway, Queens and surrounding areas in New York. NFF and Capital Impact Partners each provided $5 million source loans for a $30 million project to construct a community clinic across the street from the hospital that will allow St. John's to expand the provision of primary care, mental health, and specialty care services on the Rockaway peninsula. This project will also free up much needed space at the hospital for critical inpatient services so that St. John's can continue to provide people of all faiths with comprehensive services - from preventive to rehabilitative - regardless of ability to pay.
Partners: Capital Impact Partners, CityScape Capital Group, New York City Regional Center, and Chase
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