New Loan Closing: Comunilife
Housing and a healthier tomorrow for New Yorkers
$375,000 participation in $750,000 predevelopment loan
Comunilife, a Latina-led nonprofit housing developer, was founded in 1989 to provide culturally competent health services and affordable and supportive housing. The largely Black and Latinx communities that this nonprofit serves are vibrant and diverse; however, decades of disinvestment have led many in these communities to struggle with poverty, homelessness, and mental illness that have long gone unaddressed. In response, Comunilife offers services such as: affordable and permanent supportive housing for chronically unhoused individuals with untreated mental illness; an 80-bed medical respite program for individuals discharging from the hospital who are homeless or unstably housed; Life is Precious, a suicide prevention program for Latinas aged 12-17; and various emergency support services such as meals and food vouchers in response to COVID-19.
In partnership with Corporation for Supportive Housing, NFF is providing Comunilife with an unsecured predevelopment loan to build an eight-story building on a previously underutilized parking lot in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. This building will create 93 units of supportive and affordable housing for previously unhoused people, low-income families and individuals, and older adults.
Partners: Corporation for Supportive Housing
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