Nonprofit Sector

Who Will Pay for Partnerships that Address Social Determinants of Health?

April 8, 2020

The importance of addressing social determinants of health in driving health outcomes has become widely accepted, and solid relationships between health care institutions and networks of community-based organizations (CBO’s) can improve health outcomes. However, questions about the true cost, and who should pay, remain.

Based on NFF’s work with CBO’s on the Advancing Resilience and Community Health (ARCH) project, Lisa Thirer explores the following three key components that are essential to realizing desired outcomes.

  • Invest in infrastructure
  • Build capacity
  • Know and cover the full costs of improved outcomes

"All stakeholders—including health care institutions, CBOs, network leaders, governments, and philanthropic foundations—need to understand the full costs of working together and achieving positive outcomes. The rewards of partnership are promising, but not free."

Read the full article.

Author: Lisa Thirer, Associate Director, Advisory Services, Nonprofit Finance Fund