Nonprofit Sector

We Can’t Let Nonprofits That Serve People of Color Fail

May 5, 2020

"Just as people of color are dying of Covid-19 at higher rates than white people because of systemic racism, not genetics, nonprofits led by and serving people of color face the most challenges because grant makers and policy makers have built a system that is often unresponsive and distrustful of them."

"But philanthropy can play an important part in preventing this crisis from entrenching further inequity. This last month has shown us what is possible when grant makers, nonprofits, and communities work together with a unified sense of purpose and urgency. It is not too late to advance equity and recognize that there is no true economic or social recovery without it."

In this piece, NFF CEO, Antony Bugg-Levine, outlines what foundations and other big donors can do to navigate this crisis and beyond to support community organizations serving people of color. 

Read the full article.

Author: Antony Bugg-Levine, CEO, Nonprofit Finance Fund