Annual Letter 2021

In NFF's 2021 Annual Letter, Interim CEO Trella Walker reflects on NFF's unwavering focus on equity – particularly racial equity – in how we work, both internally and externally. This letter also shares some of the actions NFF took over the past year in support of clients both new and old and the communities they work with. It is a story of putting $35.9 million to work for BIPOC-led organizations and creating special loan funds to support smaller, community-centered organizations that have historically been denied access to borrowing. It is also a story of the 220 organizations to whom we provided 18,000 hours of consulting work. And most importantly, it is a story of partnerships: aligning our strengths with the strengths of community partners, networks, and more.

Read NFF's 2021 Annual Letter.

Illustrations of people gathered around a gray background adding notes and charts. White text reads 2021 Annual Letter